Minutes of Trustees Meeting held on Monday 19th November

Present: Andrew McGilvray(AMG), Ian Loder(IL), Ron Tilley(RT), Peter Shakeshaft(PS),Jim Wheeler (Jim), Jayne Wheeler(JW), Jenny Rogers(JR), Tim Charge(TC), Glenis Southern(GS)


Minutes taken by Roz Condé – Hon Sec


  1. Apologies – Bob Bradberry, Sooty, Cristian Durant, Charlie Underwood.
  2. Minutes of previous meeting – Jim disagreed with the Minutes being published online, as he believed that this could cause unnecessary hassle. GS and TC said that ‘got nothing to hide’ so being published online so all can see the minutes . It was agreed that the minutes would be published online to see if any response from the general public.
  3. Matters arising – RT stated that he believed the hire of the venue was too expensive and this was putting people off. He bought a leaflet about the hire of the Stamford Daniels Function Room and believed that KSCC should follow the same hiring rates. JW said that the prices quoted do not include the staff costs and this was quite considerable. RT said that people had approached him about hire costs and said they were shocked at the cost. AMG and JW explained that KSCC costs include everything, there are no extra costs unless the client should require further tables and chairs. It was decided that the hire costs should state ‘all inclusive’ so people are aware that there will be no hidden extras. AMG said that KSCC need to be careful when booking events as don’t want football or cricket getting upset, JR asked about this and AMG explained that football use the kitchen and if a private function is booked then the kitchen can’t be used by football. It was decided to keep the hiring costs as they are, but use discretion regarding discounts as charity events are given concession. Roz will email AMG if applicable. IL said that a private function is booked that he is involved in, it’s a large family affair but the people have said no presents, instead donations to Hollyhocks Cancer support and he asked if he would get a discount. It was decided not on this occasion as it is not a charity event. GS asked what had happened with the repair of the driveway. PS said that CD will ring Roger Mills to come and ‘top it up’
  4. Finances
    • Status of Charity Commission reporting – AMG confirmed that the returns had been duly filed for the period 2016 – 17. He stated that KSCC have until 31st January 2019 to put in the returns from April 2017 to March 2018 and he asked if JW had this in place and she confirmed that she had.
    • Management Accounts to end of October 2018 – JW stressed that as fast as money is coming in regarding Trading it is going out – loans had been paid but need the money for next instalments. Jim asked how many loans KSCC had as this information he believed had not been released. JW said that £25k interest free loan from Rutland County Council(RCC) to be paid over 5 years, personal loan of £5K and another personal loan of £72K to be paid back over 10 years – both of these are interest free. AMG confirmed that there are no outstanding invoices to the builder. GS asked what the total cost of the refurbishment and JW believed well over £350k, RT asked if the problems with the builder were solved amicably and AMG confirmed they were. AMG asked JW if she could bring the loan information to the next Trustees Meeting. Jim stressed that if minutes being published then the loan information does not need to be published. GS said no reason why the information should not be published. TC said that common knowledge about the RCC loan. PS believed that Jim was being critical about the loans and said that perhaps the members of the tennis club should use the facilities as they don’t at present as Jim said that come and play tennis and then go home or elsewhere. GS stated that if the whole venue is booked then there is nowhere for other people to come for a drink.
  1. Explanation from Tim Charge about cricket – TC was please to advise that Ketton Cricket Club had an extremely good year at their current venue and had won awards. TC advised that he has a meeting with Ketton Cricket Club to discuss terms and conditions of Ketton Cricket Club coming back to KSCC.
  2. Building
    • Repairs to current building – AMG advised that there is a problem with the hot water in the changing rooms and was awaiting a quote from Sooty but believes that cost will be around £3000 and as football use the changing rooms the most AMG thought that they should contribute towards the cost.
    • Completion of the building – AMG said that need quotes for blocking up the old entrance.


  1. New/moved facilities – AMG said that had tried to contact Tina Sayer who was interested in a netball pitch to discuss further but was unable to get in contact. GS asked if KSCC could get funding for an all purpose area and AMG believed that they would.
  2. AOB – JR said 8pm too late to start the meeting, however the start time will stay for now. JW said she had been approached by someone interested in joining the Committee and AMG asked if she could email him.

JW asked about the grass round the tennis pitch and PS said it would be sorted.

PS asked if KSCC get discount from Molson Coors regarding the TV costs and JW said that   KSCC does. GS asked who wanted Sky etc and JW confirmed that it was football who had requested it.

RT advised that he had spoken to Andy Binder (caterer) who said that one could not cater for over 120 people as the kitchen did not allow this and he suggested another oven being installed and JW confirmed that there is room for one. RT was concerned that KSCC would have to turn people away if the party was for more than 120 people.

AMG advised that KSCC was up for three awards.

JW said that the new Insurance Certificate needed to be sorted out and CU will have to deal with this.

AMG said that Molson Coors had given KSCC some bottles of wine and so they will be used for the various raffles coming up.

GS said that the Parish Council produce a village diary in the Church magazine and so if there is an event at KSCC it can be included by emailing the Clerk and she will get it on the Parish Council website and also on Ketton News.

Date and time on next meeting is 21st January 2019 @ 8pm

Typed by Roz Condé on 20th November.