Minutes of Trustees Meeting 3rd July

Minutes of Trustees Meeting held at Ketton Sports & Community Centre (KSCC) on 3rd July at 7pm Present: Nigel Roberts (NR), Andy Bird (AB), Bob Bradberry(BB), Anna O’Connor(AC), Bob Warters(BW) Minutes taken and typed by Roz Conde Hon Sec Neil Stevenson (NS) and...

Minutes of Trustees Mtg held on 16th May

Minutes of Trustees Meeting of 16th May 2024 held in Ketton Parish Council @ 7pm Present: Nigel Roberts(NR), Ed Finch(EF), Neil Stevenson(NS), Andy Bird(AB), Bob Bradberry(BB), Bob Warters(BW), Anna O’Conner(AC) Minutes taken and typed by Roz Conde – Hon Sec Election...

Minutes of Trustees Mtg 18th April

Minutes of Trustees Meeting held at Ketton Parish Council Office On Thursday 18th April at 7pm Present: Nigel Roberts(NR), Ed Finch(EF), Dave Walpole(DW), Andy Bird(AB), Bob Bradberry(BB),Bob Warters(BW), Anna O’Connor(AC), Neil Stevenson(NS), Ron Tilley(RT) Minutes...

Minutes of Trustees Meeting of 12th March

Minutes of Ketton Sports and Community Centre Trustees at KSCC on March 12, 2024. Present: Ed Finch (director), Nigel Roberts, Jenny Rogers,  Anna O’Connor, Bob Warters. Apologies: R Conde ( secretary). The meeting welcomed Louise Warren (representing Ketton Sports...