Minutes of Trustees Meeting held on 11th November 2024 at 7.00pm

Present: Nigel Roberts (NR), Neil Stevenson (NS), Bob Bradbury (BB), Andy Binder (AB), Anna O’Connor (AC), Christian Durant (CD), Dave Walpole (DW), Helen Tilley. (HT).

Apologies: Ed Finch, Roz Conde

Minutes of last meeting

These were approved as a true record

Matters Arising


Approval of Annual Accounts

These were discussed and approved.

Directors Report (NS)

It was reported that there was a serious leak at KSCC, NS has been investigated and has had Anglian Water to check the supply into the property and they have confirmed that the leak is on our property. NS will continue to investigate to find the leak.

It would appear that KSCC owe British Gas a large amount of money in respect of unpaid bills, a lump sum has been paid off the bills and a monthly payment plan has been set up to pay of the balance. This highlighted the importance of sections who use electricity are recharged for any electricity used.

It was reported that a car had been keyed, the car had been parked incorrectly in a disabled parking space. NS is trying to review CCTV footage of that timeslot.

Car parking is still an issue and NS reported that three people would be on car parking duties when football is playing at home. NR reported that he was waiting a reply from Heidelberg Materials regarding stone for the proposed car park.

Food on Saturday and Sundays at present will be served when football is on, the two weekend days are now producing takings of circa £1000 per day for bar and food.

NS proposed that sections should be charged £100 per month toward general maintenance of the centre. There was a lot of discussion on the topic with cricket and bowls saying it was to much. NR asked that each section sent him their proposals for section charges by the end of the first week on December, with a meeting to be arranged for the following week to finalise the charges.


The main item discussed was the possibility of 3/4G football pitch, there will be more information on this at the next meeting.

In the light of our very large British Gas electricity bill it was agreed that the installation of solar panels and batteries and funding should be investigated further.

EV Charging Point

NR informed the meeting that it was possible that the centre could have a charging point install for free by Rutland County Council. The committee welcomed this.

Any other Business

HT asked if it would be possible to hold at least on sale on the August Bank holiday as it has been a very good source of income for the bowls club. NS stated that he could arrange a football tournament which would bring in a significant amount of money for the sections.

CD asked if the cricket recharge of electricity could be finalised once and for all, it appears that Dusty took a meter reading in March but there is no previous reading from the time the meter was installed. As this is an operational matter the trading company should investigate and come to an early agreement with cricket.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.15pm