Present: Charlie Underwood(CU), Ron Tilley(RT), Bob Bradberry(BB), Sooty Pearce (SP), Ian Loder(IL), Peter Shakeshaft(PS), Jim Wheeler (JM), Jenny Rogers(JR), Glenis Southern (GS), Cristian Durant (CD) and Tim Charge(TC).

  1. Apologies

Andrew McGilvray (AM), Glenis Southern (GS) and Jayne Wheeler (JW).

  1. Matters arising

Minutes of the meeting held on 25th March 2019 were approved.

CU asked about a contact name at Hanson and was advised that Alison Mytton (alison.mytton@hanson.biz) was the best contact.

  1. Finances

No financial accounting information was available. However, SP advised that JW had submitted accounts independently to AM and that no issues or concerns had been raised.

TC asked if it would be possible in future to have a simple dashboard overview of finances that would provide a simple and clear financial health status for trustees.

  1. Events

4.1.   Car Boot

RT advised that the recent Outdoor Car Boot had raised in order of £2,000, with £500 going to each contributing sport. RT also advised that for the Spring Bank Car Boot all contributing sports areas had been assigned their responsibilities, and requested that enough space is left between the alleys for emergency vehicles to pass through.

RT raised concerns about holding future “Indoor Car Boots”, as the recent event was not very successful and confused many customers who expected an Outdoor Car Boot given that the weather on the day was fantastic. If future indoor events are held RT suggested that they are marketed as a “Table-Top Sale” to make it clear that the event is held inside.

RT advised that Car Boots can be cancelled up to 48 hours in advance of the event. CU asked whether an event could be insured and agreed to find out whether this is possible, £3,000 was suggested as an appropriate amount.

4.2.   Big Bash

CD advised that Dean is happy with the setup and that KSCC were providing the Bar Staff. However, CD expressed concerns that a “gentleman’s agreement” approach adopted with Dean may not be the best approach for any future events of this size.

TC suggested that CD be given authority to discuss alternative approaches with Dean regarding how future Big Bash events are charged as KSCC are currently only in receipt of bar takings and car parking using the existing arrangement.

4.3.   Wedding

SP advised that 150 people were due to attend the day event and 230 were due to attend the evening event. SP also advised that he ask Sammy to make sure that cleaning staff were available in readiness for the event.

4.4.   Other. RT requested that as many trustees as possible could make themselves available to assist over the upcoming very busy weekend period.

  1. Update on Catering

CU advised that Mel has raised concerns with sharing the kitchen with other people that have booked a room or rooms at KSCC for events such as children’s parties. Obviously, it is difficult to provide a professional service when other people are also using the kitchen facilities. Mel has advised CU that she will continue to provide cricket and bowls teas until the end of the season, but she has advised that the kitchen really needs to be run on a proper business basis.

TC suggested that a formal catering tender is written and caterers from the local area are asked to respond, as this would form the basis of a contract and outline the services to be provided by both parties. CD advised that he ask Jai about how to proceed with a tendering arrangement.

SP advised that KSCC should be selective about booking children’s parties and suggested that parties should be limited to morning only events during the cricket season to avoid any future clashes.

  1. Update on Sports

All sporting areas are progressing well, and no specific areas of concern were raised.

  1. AOB

SP advised that a Black-Tie event was being organised for the 19th October on behalf of the Hollyhock Charity which would include a 9-piece band, to date 12 tables have been sold.

CD and other trustees raised concerns about the state of the road as it is deteriorating quite badly and needs urgent attention. Although no precise costs have been received for re-laying the road, it is estimated that costs would be in the region of £12,000. JR agreed to approach RCC to ask if any assistance could be provided and for a list of registered RCC contractors.

JW asked whether the KSCC bar could be kept open when home tennis matches are taking place and agreed to provide Roz with a list of home match dates.

A discussion was held between trustees about room hire charges, the outcome of which was that SP will ask Jayne to amend the hire charges on the website to “price on application”. SP also agreed to approach Louisa about the possibility of creating professional marketing material for KSCC and JR suggested that Stamford Living could also be approached.

Date and time of next meeting

Tuesday June 25th @ 7.30pm