Minutes of KSCC Trustees Meeting

10th November 2022 at 7.15pm

Present: – Ian Loder (IL), Jenny Rogers (JR), Bob Warters (BW), Jacob Miller (JM), Nigel Roberts (NR), Sooty Pearce (SP).

Minutes taken and typed by Roz Conde – Hon Sec

1.  Apologies – Graham Bedford, Matt Holdup, Ed Finch, Jayne Wheeler, James Farrell

  1. Review of Minutes of Trustees Meeting of 4th October – BW handed out a draft letter for funding for the access road to Ketton Sports & Community Centre (KSCC). Trustees agreed for this to be sent to relevant companies which the Trustees and Roz will source for the next meeting.
  2. Ideas for fund raising events – BW asked for Bank Holiday dates due to the coronation of King Charles and there are three in May which are 1st, 8th and 29th and BW asked if a car boot could be held on 8th May and the Trustees agreed for a Car Boot to take place on this date. (weather permitting). JM agreed that there is plenty of time for sections to organise.

JM asked JR if the Parish Council had any major plans for the village and she stated that the Parish Council were encouraging smaller events.

NR asked JR about the Classic Car show and JR advised that it would not take place in 2023.

IL suggested sponsoring a barrel so it would be bought by an individual or company and then KSCC could sell the pints at a reduced rate but would receive the profit. Trustees agreed that this would be a good idea.

  1. Memorial bench/plaque for Andrew McGilvray – IL stated the family had left money to KSCC to buy a bench in memory of Andrew and the Trustees agreed to a bench and a plaque would be put in place.
  2. AOB – Sooty thanked all those who helped at the wake that took place on 27th October.

JR also stated that the wake was very well organised, and the caterers were superb.

The Film Club had their first meeting at KSCC on 7th November and JR said that the TV and sound system were excellent.

JR advised the Trustees that the choir would no longer be holding their rehearsals at KSCC and this was due to the charges to hire the relevant room.

JR asked if the hire charges could be published on the website and both Sooty and JM said that each event has different requirements and so there is no ‘set’ price for hiring the Bar Area or the full venue and that Roz takes the details and if necessary, passes them onto Sooty, JM and Sami.BW thought it would be a good idea to highlight the parking facilities at KSCC.

Sooty has a meeting with the caterer Andy Binder to discuss doing food at KSCC as the previous caterers were not successful.


  1. Date and time of next meeting – Thursday 19th January 2023 at 7.15pm