Minutes of KSCC Trustees Meeting

16th March 2023 at 7.15pm

Present: – Ian Loder (IL), Sooty, Jacob Miller (JM), Jenny Rogers (JR), Ed Finch (EF), Fran Kavanagh(FK)

Minutes taken and typed by Roz Conde – Hon Sec

  1. Apologies – Bob Warters, James Farrell.
  2. Review of Trustees Meeting of 19th January 2023 – Ron Tilley will continue to organise the car parking and taking the money for the Car Boots. The banners and cones are put out by IL and Bob Bradberry. Sami sorts the floats out. JR posts the Car Boots on the Ketton News Website.

If the Car Boot is cancelled, then EF is prepared to deal with the traders that still turn up as some of the traders have been aggressive in the past.

  1. Official voting of Fran Kavanagh to the board of Ketton Sports & Community Trustees (KSCC) -FK was duly voted by all Trustees and is now a Trustee of KSCC.
  2. Road to Ketton Appeal – KSCC has received on quote for the access road, IL believed that there was going to be a separate quote for the car park. The Trustees agreed that the access road must take priority. Sooty advised that KSCC must get some form of guarantee when the access road is re-surfaced. EF will get further quotes for the access road.

JR explained about the section 106 and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which is a charge that local authorities can get on a new development. This money is given to Rutland County Council and then a percentage is given to Ketton Parish Council, and this could be 15%. KSCC can apply for this but is a very lengthy process but something to keep in mind.

IL asked about the funding letter and JM confirmed that it is ready to be sent out and suggested that the letters go to the bigger companies. JR asked if the letter could be sent to the Trustees for their perusal, and JM will email it out.

JR and EF will speak to certain people within the village regarding funding.

JM has set up a Crowd Funding Page which is ready to be activated and the Trustees agreed that this should go live. Sooty suggested that each member of the Sports Section should donate. EF asked if funding had been sourced from other means such as Sport England and it was suggested that maybe KSCC would approach the Whitebread Trust once some monies had been given.

  1. Andrew McGilvrays’ Memorial bench – this has been ordered and paid for and once insitu photos will be taken and sent to his mother and sister.
  2. Eyesores at KSCC – there is an amount of rubble near the cricket nets and JM confirmed that this will be taken away very soon. There is also a broken window and Sooty has arranged for this to be replaced and he is also looking at some kind of protective covering to protect the windows from being broken as this is occurring when a cricket ball hits the window.
  3. Car Boot dates – these have been confirmed – 8th May, 29th May and 28th August 2023
  4. AOB – JM stated that the tennis representative needs to be contacted as he has not attended enough meetings. (this has since been resolved). The responsibilities as a Trustee need to be re-iterated. Tennis rarely use the club house nor do the Ketton Tri-Athlon.

Other sections that do not get involved with KSCC should be treated as ‘tenants’ and pay for the use of the grounds that they use. Trustees in agreement with this.

It was stated that Pétanque make a donation to KSCC and they also hold a weekly quiz and so make use of the venue.

JR asked about the catering at KSCC and Sooty is having a meeting with the caterer Andy Binder.

FK said that with KSCC usually being shut on a Thursday the ladies’ football had no-where to go after training. Sooty explained that with the soaring energy bills that it really was not worthwhile opening, he also said that KSCC need to build up the takings during the summer months to tide the place over through the quieter months during the winter.

Sooty is in touch with the Grainstore Brewery and there is a possibility of a Beer Festival being held in the summer.

It was suggested that all the relevant sections put on some kind of event to boost sales.

JR asked who the staff were and confirmed that is Sami, Cloe, Josh, Sharon and Tanya but extra staff are brought in for the bigger events.

JR advised that the Stamford Parkinson Support Group have found an alternative venue so will not be using KSCC in the future.

  1. Date and time of next meeting – Monday 24th April at 7.15pm