Minutes of Trustees Meeting held on 6th July 2023 at 7.15pm

Present: Ian Loder(IL), Jenny Rogers(JR), Ed Finch(EF), Graham Bedford(GB), Justin Hattee(JH), Caroline Hattee(CH), Sandra Parker(SP), Fran Kavanagh(FK), Jacob Miller(JM), Nigel Roberts(NR)

Minutes taken and typed by Roz Conde – Hon Sec

  1. Apologies – Bob Warters
  2. Review of the Minutes of 1st June – JR asked about the broken window and JM advised that there had been a cashflow issue and Ketton Sports & Community Centre (KSCC) could not claim on the insurance as the excess was too high. CH said that the broken window was a Health & Safety issue and needed to be rectified as soon as was possible. The Trustees agreed that this must take priority and Sooty said it could now be fixed and this would be actioned without delay as he will ring Safeguard and arrange for the window to be fixed. IL asked about ‘nets’ to cover the windows but this would be very expensive, and JM thought unnecessary as he believed that the broken window was a ‘fluke’ as cricket balls have since hit the other windows and none have broken. It was agreed to monitor regularity of future damage and compare to the cost of ‘prevention nets’ in the future.

JM advised that the local builders will not be having their Sales Office on the site of KSCC.

Sunday catering talks are on-going and Sooty had a meeting with Andy Binder who advised that a second oven would be required, and EF will get costings for a re-conditioned oven and SP asked if this information would be available for the next Trustees Meeting and Sooty and EF agreed that they would.

De-fib is ‘good to go’ and Sooty confirmed that this would be in place by the next meeting.

NR stated that the Ministry of Health had sent out letters to all organizations regarding the precise location of de-fibs at relevant Community Centres so all local services would have this information. KSCC had not received a letter. CH advised that the local authorities must know that KSCC have a De-fib in situ.

The lights in the ladies’ toilets and the pool lights still had not been fixed and this will also be actioned by the next meeting.

GB sent the information regarding Padle Courts and GB advised that there are companies who would install the court but this would be on a commercial basis, but KSCC would want to run it themselves. IL advised that Padle is a fast-growing sport and is something that KSCC should look into. CH asked where the Padle court could go, and various options were discussed and JM agreed that potentially KSCC do have the space but it would take a lot of organisation and IL asked if KSCC would be prepared to give the land up for a Padle court and JM said it would depend on where the court could be and also how many courts. EF stated that to set up one Padle court would be expensive, but the Trustees agreed that it is something to seriously consider. GB believed that ideally it would be alongside the tennis court but the location would be proposed by GB for Trustee review. If this was to go ahead at a later date, then KSCC would run it and not another company.

  1. Road to Ketton Appeal – Ketton Healthy Walking Group have kindly donated £1000 to the appeal and thanks were given. JR has also been a cheque for the appeal from a lady in Ketton.

CH has contacted the Burghley Trust who have asked for a quote. However, as KSCC do not have a spec of the access road and one must be sourced so KSCC can go to various charities for funding. The Trustees agreed that a spec is now a priority and NR stated that KSCC need the spec for the whole access road from the barrier to the car park. He also said two quotes would be required once KSCC had the spec – one for tarmac and one for concrete.

Once the spec has been received then KSCC can move forward with getting quotes and JR will approach Hanson Cement.

EF had a meeting with Paul Young who is a concrete specialist as this is an option to having tarmac. IL pointed out that the concrete would have to be reinforced and EF said that concrete would last longer than tarmac.

Sooty suggested contacting the Highways department at Rutland County Council (RCC) to see if they could come out and issue a spec for the access road but JR advised that RCC don’t have a permanent person at RCC and so could potentially take a long time to get this arranged.

NR is going to talk to Cllr Karen Payne who is Ketton and Tinwells County Councillor and see if she can offer some advice.

JH will follow up with Matt Parkinson to guide him in negotiations with Balfour Beatty – asking for a) the work to be done and if not b) spec, estimates and contacts for sub contractors.  Sooty suggested that whoever does the spec would know someone who could then give a quote.

CH asked if the Whitebread Trust had been approached and JR had bought up this subject with the Trust, but quotes are required.

JH said that individuals should not be made to feel guilty if they cannot donate to the appeal and JM pointed out that donations could be made from the sections and not individuals.

JR asked GB if the Tennis Section were going to donate and GB said this had been discussed but no decision had yet been made.

  1. Capital expenditure priorities – JH stated that the road appeal is ongoing and will continue to be at the forefront of priorities.

FK asked about the Football pitch as the drainage was dreadful and JM pointed out this was not the responsibility of the Trustees as the Football Section should apply for funding to rectify the drainage issue and JM will give FK the contacts for this.

It was asked about the refurbishment of the Sports Bar and Sooty advised that a grant of £7000 had been awarded from the National Lottery and this must be spent within 12 months and be used for furniture and flooring which must be commercially fire rated. The refurbishment must be completed within 12 months and evidence must then be given to the National Lottery Awards to ensure that the money has been spent on the relevant flooring and furniture. There will be carpet tiles fitted. JM, Sooty and SP will have a separate meeting regarding the Sports Bar.

  1. Up and Coming Events – IL asked if Roz can be informed of all events before they are advertised on social media.

Sooty advised that tables are being booked for the Comedy Night on 26th August and there will a Quiz Night on 25th August, on 27th August there is a cricket match on, and a singer is booked for the evening. All through the Bank Holiday Weekend there will be a beer festival and tokens will be bought for this. Sooty has asked for help over this weekend and CH and FK have offered to help.

  1. AOB – SP said that on the Film Night the light protruded through the skylights and Sooty stated that blinds would be put across and this would come from the National Lottery funding that had been awarded.

IL said that under the Constitution Trustees held three terms for three years and then take a break for one year and asked if this could be amended as Jayne Wheeler would be due to leave and KSCC did not want Jayne to leave as was invaluable to KSCC. JM said that during Covid a meeting had taken place regarding this issue and was agreed that the Constitution be amended to remove the one-year break. JH asked why the year break was introduced and JM explained it was something at the time KSCC was advised to do but now it was not necessary.

This will be an Agenda item for the next Trustees Meeting, for the Constitution to be formally changed. JM will read through the Constitution thoroughly before the next meeting.

JH thanked JM for cutting the grass around the Triathlon area.

  1. Date and time of next meeting – Thursday 17th August at 7.15pm and this meeting will be chaired by Nigel Roberts.