Minutes of Trustees Meeting of 23rd November

at 7.30pm held at Ketton Sports & Community Centre (KSCC)


Present: Ian Loder (IL)- Chair, Ed Finch(EF), Sooty, Jacob Miller(JM), Andy Gray(AG) representing Fran Kavanagh, Bob Warters(BW), Nigel Roberts(NR),  Emily Goodale(EG), Anna O’Connor (AC)

Minutes taken and typed by Roz Conde – Hon Sec

  1. Apologies – Fran Kavanagh, Jenny Rogers, Sandra Parker
  2. Review of Minutes of Trustees Meeting of 12th October – NR asked how Blackstones Football Club were settling in at KSCC and both Sooty and JM stated that it was very successful although two weekends had been a ‘wash-out’ due to the weather. Going forward more staff will be required as the bar became very busy and more bacon to be ordered as no-one knew how popular the bacon sandwiches would be! – all of which will of course be addressed. AG has a meeting with Blackstones next week to ‘iron out’ future issues to make sure that it all runs smoothly. There were no issues with car parking thanks to using the overflow car park and Blackstones were/are very impressed with KSCC. Little issues came up such as having more bins inside KSCC and for a bigger board stating that Blackstones were now at KSCC.

IL asked if Blackstones were going to change their name to incorporate KSCC and AG confirmed that this would be the case when the new season starts as all insurances etc are in Blackstones name and it is not viable to change them mid-season.

EF asked if Blackstones being at KSCC at the weekend had been a success financially and Sooty and JM confirmed that, yes, definitely this was the case as usually there would not be many customers on the Saturday.

Sooty asked about the strip of land (as per minutes of 12th October) and NR confirmed that Hanson own it and he is going to talk to Hanson.

BW said that with more people using the access road there will be more wear and tear. JM will talk to Mills’ regarding repairs. AC asked if the money raised so far could be used to make repairs – Sooty said yes it could be if absolutely required but the access road needs to be re-surfaced with tarmac. Mention was made of a possible footpath along side the access road and this could be implemented with the funding which is ongoing. NR asked about quotes for the re-surfacing of the road but as Sooty pointed out the larger firms are not interested as considered a ‘too smaller job’. However, three quotes are required if KSCC ar going for funding of the access road. EF confirmed that the footpath from the High Street in Ketton to KSCC will be re-introduced.

AC asked about the De-Fib and EF confirmed it is in situ and is connected to the relevant network – the code is C159X and JM will put a poster on the De-Fib with the code along with the location of KSCC (postcode) so if needed in an emergency then this can be relayed accordingly. EC said that the De-Fib will take you through what to do in an emergency.

NR going to see of Graham Laine (who looks after the De-Fibs in Ketton) is doing any training at Ketton Library as he has done so before free of charge.

AC asked about the pump track NR confirmed that Hall Close is not an option.

  1. Review of Jayne Wheelers’ letter and financial figures.

EF believed that there is lack of communication between directors and Trustees regarding the Charity side and Trading side. JM reiterated that the Charity is a completely different entity and is not run alongside the Trading – these are two separate entities.

EF asked where the money raised for the road goes – is it a separate account or is it in the main account of KSCC?

EF asked what the plan was going forward as KSCC need to bring in more money – both Sooty and JM said that events have been put on and they are not always well attended – agreed that bigger events need to be put and all sections and all Trustees need to be involved.

It was suggested about hiring the hall out to various groups free of charge but this is not an option as it would not be financially viable.

EF asked about holding daytime events at KSCC but as Sooty said someone would need to open up and shut up afterwards and this has always been an issue. EF suggested about renting out the kitchen and having a tea/coffee shop selling cakes, sandwiches from 10am to 4pm – agreed would be good idea but it would have to be set up properly – maybe something to look into.  KSCC do not have the resources to pay someone to do the café which is why it would need to be hired out to a third party. This would have to be financially viable across the board, as other costs such as lighting, heating etc must be taken into consideration.

EF asked about being open in the evening if no darts/pool etc going on and Sooty had told the staff that if had no-one in then could shut up before time.

JM said need ideas that need to come to completion – such as a race night, etc and all the Trustees need to come up with ideas and help bring them to fruition.

Ultimately,  the role of a Trustee is to raise funds by putting on events at KSCC and all need to be actively involved and to be supportive of such events.

EF would like further explanation and clarity regarding the financial report as he is concerned regarding the future of KSCC.

AC suggested closing for a specific time period but Sooty and JM said that if this happened then the chances are that KSCC would not open again.

It was pointed out that KSCC is a Community Centre for all and needs to used as such.

EG said that Triathlon had not paid the re-charges being asked for as wanted clarification as they have their own insurance but JM pointed that the insurance they were being asked to pay related to them being a Trustee and this is what the insurance was for – protection for being a Trustee.

  1. AOB

EG asked if Justin and Caroline Hattee can be removed from the Charities Commission website and JM confirmed this would be done.

AC asked about the Christmas Party being held at KSCC on 22nd December as she had not seen any posters – it was confirmed that these had just been done and would be put up at KSCC. AC believed it could be advertised further as this could and should be very well attended. JM agreed that events need to be more widely advertised.

Usually, sections are told about forthcoming events but EF suggested a shared database but AG advised that regulations regarding GDPR would be an issue but something to look into going forward.

AC asked about Jayne Wheeler and if she was leaving? JM explained that KSCC would have to pay the going wage for another person to take over being the Treasurers position but KSCC could not afford to do this and so wanted Jayne to stay.

NR had found out that Hanson are offering their Canteen and Meeting Room for free for people to use.

Jayne Wheeler will be resigning as Treasurer as of 31st December 2023.

IL advised all that he is resigning as Trustee due to health issues and this is with immediate effect – all were sorry to hear this but quite understood. IL offered to still help out with Car Boots.

The Trustees wished him well and thanked him for all his support.

NR advised that Trustees need to think and approach people regarding becoming a Trustee as they do not have to have connections directly with KSCC.

5             Date and time of next meeting – Thursday  4th January 2024 at 7.15pm