Minutes of Trustees Meeting held at Ketton Parish Council Office

On Thursday 18th April at 7pm

Present: Nigel Roberts(NR), Ed Finch(EF), Dave Walpole(DW), Andy Bird(AB), Bob Bradberry(BB),Bob Warters(BW), Anna O’Connor(AC), Neil Stevenson(NS), Ron Tilley(RT)

Minutes taken and typed by Roz Conde Hon Sec at Ketton Sports & Community Centre(KSCC)

  1. Adoption of Trustees – NR nominated AB, BB and DW and they were duly voted in as Trustees. NS is to become a Director of KSCC Trading CIC
  2. Confirmation of the minutes of 14th March 2024 – there were no issues and these can be published on KSCCs’ website.
  3. Car Boot Sale – RT asked if all sections (as usual) would help but pointed out that there was no cricket rep but DW will ensure that he will give cricket people the relevant feedback. RT asked about cancellation of Car Boots as this was not up to him. DW and NS pointed out that at the moment the grass area around the cricket pitch is very, very wet and with more rain predicted they could not see it drying it to a satisfactory state. NR asked if the May 6th Car Boot be cancelled and the Trustees decided that it be cancelled to protect the grass and surrounding area.
  4. Kids Club – AC had overseen the last Kids Club – MPW Active and the ‘tuck shop’ is proving very popular and the TUBZ machine especially. AC asked if packets of sweets etc can be bought for the future Kids Club and EF will purchase these from Cash & Carry and also AC advised that cans of pop were also popular. Volunteers will be required to help with the Summer Camps which are running through July and August.
  5. Directors Report – EF – Financial Report was emailed to all Trustees prior to the meeting and one of the issues was a payment to Sky Sports and TNT as this was expensive and Trustees voted to cancel this arrangement as this would save a considerable amount of money and EF is now on the account so he can deal with it. EF stated that there were plans ahead for KSCC as at the moment KSCC is in a precarious financial position. There was also a slight discrepancy with a payment for Andy Binder(Caterer) and AB asked if he could be paid and AB said that the Healthy Walking Group would pay the outstanding amount and they would also pay to have the broken window fixed and the Trustees thanked AB for this as much appreciated. BB asked if Jayne Wheeler(JW) was still the Treasurer and EF confirmed that she is and believed that people do not realise what JW does ‘behind the scenes’ and that the work she does is so much appreciated and the Trustees agreed that she was appreciated and were very thankful for the work that she does for KSCC. JW to speak to AB regarding paying Andy Binder.

EF advised that an outdoor patio would be built to the front and side of the bi-fold doors with some new outdoor furniture and this would be paid for by grants along with free labour being kindly given. Photos and memorabilia are being put up on the walls to improve the ambience.

Ideally, the tables and chairs to be replaced, and AB pointed out that if sofas are to be bought in then they must be fireproofed.  The beer and wine will be looked into as some of the lagers and ciders are not best sellers and the wine needs to more palatable. Going forward KSCC would be open during the day as a café and to be run by an independent person. Also, the Sunday lunches need to be introduced.

  1. Review of events – NS and DW advised that there are some big events taking place such as the Blackstones JFC End of Season presentation on 18th May and also a beer festival and BBQ being held on 27th EF has organised a Northern Soul evening for 7th June and all events must be advertised well in advance. EF has been trying to find out who the administrator for the Facebook page for KSCC but no-one seems to know who it is, so EFs’ wife is kindly going to set up a specific page for events etc. AB said that KSCC needs to be able to open during the day and all agreed with this. EF suggested having a Wimbledon Finals Event serving Pimms etc and AC has a Tennis committee coming up where she will put this to the members – all thought this would be a good idea. The Trustees would like the venue prices to by duly displayed on the website and AB asked about the prices and if KSCC was competitive with other venues such as the Daniels Lounge in Stamford.
  2. Bowmen of Stamford – NR advised that they would like to lease the field adjacent to the Bowls Green and the Bowmen would reseed the field and keep it maintained and NR has contacted Heidleberg Cement and at the moment the field is leased to Mills and they have another 18 months left. The field would be a great advantage to KSCC going forward. NS said that ideally a multi-use pitch would also be advantageous.
  3. Tri Club – DW advised that the Tri Club had agreed to pay the £500 towards the maintenance of the grounds but the relevant insurance still had not been paid and they have been told where they can train, and they have agreed to this.
  4. AOB – AB stated if KSCC was going to open as a café then the kitchen needs some investment to make it into a commercial kitchen. It needs a deep clean especially the extractor fan and NR believed that a certificate is required once cleaned and NR will look into this. AB said that the gents toilets are in a dreadful state and are in need of a deep clean and AB and BB are prepared to this and again this is much appreciated.  Also, he asked if hooks could be put up for coats etc in the toilets. AB has a set of keys. The smoking shelter roof needs some adjustment AB asked if more grit could be put over the car park and this is in hand. AB asked if the pool lights could be installed as where the pool table is there are no lights above it as there will be two pool teams. It was agreed at some point that the pool table be re-positioned.

DW is awaiting a quote for resurfacing the entrance road, and there is currently £2400 in the road appeal fund.

BB asked about the footpath being reinstated from the High Street to KSCC and NR confirmed that it would be.

Richard Silvester is going to cut down some of the big branches that became unstable during the high winds.

NS advised that the top pitch was in a dreadful state due to the drainage that is non-existent and for over 4 months of the year it was like a swamp.  He has applied for funding through various organisations such as Augean and the Whitebread Trust will also be approached but AB stated that all grants/funding must be discussed with the Trustees first.

Date and time of next meeting is on Thursday 16th May at 7pm and will take place in Ketton Parish Council office.